Ehrenfest equations

Ehrenfest equations (named after Paul Ehrenfest) are equations which describe changes in specific heat capacity and derivatives of specific volume in second-order phase transitions. The Clausius–Clapeyron relation does not make sense for second-order phase transitions,[1] as both specific entropy and specific volume do not change in second-order phase transitions.

Quantitative consideration

Ehrenfest equations are the consequence of continuity of specific entropy s {\displaystyle s} and specific volume v {\displaystyle v} , which are first derivatives of specific Gibbs free energy – in second-order phase transitions. If one considers specific entropy s {\displaystyle s} as a function of temperature and pressure, then its differential is: d s = ( s T ) P d T + ( s P ) T d P {\displaystyle ds=\left({{\partial s} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}dT+\left({{\partial s} \over {\partial P}}\right)_{T}dP} . As ( s T ) P = c P T , ( s P ) T = ( v T ) P {\displaystyle \left({{\partial s} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}={{c_{P}} \over T},\left({{\partial s} \over {\partial P}}\right)_{T}=-\left({{\partial v} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}} , then the differential of specific entropy also is:

d s i = c i P T d T ( v i T ) P d P {\displaystyle d{s_{i}}={{c_{iP}} \over T}dT-\left({{\partial v_{i}} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}dP} ,

where i = 1 {\displaystyle i=1} and i = 2 {\displaystyle i=2} are the two phases which transit one into other. Due to continuity of specific entropy, the following holds in second-order phase transitions: d s 1 = d s 2 {\displaystyle {ds_{1}}={ds_{2}}} . So,

( c 2 P c 1 P ) d T T = [ ( v 2 T ) P ( v 1 T ) P ] d P {\displaystyle \left({c_{2P}-c_{1P}}\right){{dT} \over T}=\left[{\left({{\partial v_{2}} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}-\left({{\partial v_{1}} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}}\right]dP}

Therefore, the first Ehrenfest equation is:

Δ c P = T Δ ( ( v T ) P ) d P d T {\displaystyle {\Delta c_{P}=T\cdot \Delta \left({\left({{\partial v} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}}\right)\cdot {{dP} \over {dT}}}} .

The second Ehrenfest equation is got in a like manner, but specific entropy is considered as a function of temperature and specific volume:

Δ c V = T Δ ( ( P T ) v ) d v d T {\displaystyle {\Delta c_{V}=-T\cdot \Delta \left({\left({{\partial P} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{v}}\right)\cdot {{dv} \over {dT}}}}

The third Ehrenfest equation is got in a like manner, but specific entropy is considered as a function of v {\displaystyle v} and P {\displaystyle P} :

Δ ( v T ) P = Δ ( ( P T ) v ) d v d P {\displaystyle {\Delta \left({{\partial v} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}=\Delta \left({\left({{\partial P} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{v}}\right)\cdot {{dv} \over {dP}}}} .

Continuity of specific volume as a function of T {\displaystyle T} and P {\displaystyle P} gives the fourth Ehrenfest equation:

Δ ( v T ) P = Δ ( ( v P ) T ) d P d T {\displaystyle {\Delta \left({{\partial v} \over {\partial T}}\right)_{P}=-\Delta \left({\left({{\partial v} \over {\partial P}}\right)_{T}}\right)\cdot {{dP} \over {dT}}}} .


Derivatives of Gibbs free energy are not always finite. Transitions between different magnetic states of metals can't be described by Ehrenfest equations.

See also


  1. ^ Sivuhin D.V. General physics course. V.2. Thermodynamics and molecular physics. 2005